Repurposing Content and Distribution
What's Your Process? Episode 2
I was incredibly lucky to be joined by Ross Simmonds for episode 2 of What’s Your Process?. For those of you that don’t know, Ross is the king of content repurposing and distribution so this episode is stuffed with takeaways.
If you’re running out of ideas for new content—good! You shouldn’t be coming up with new stuff all the time anyway. You should be recycling what works. Watch the episode below to get all the details with a bonus story about the time my 3-year old daughter cut down a tree.
Repurposing Content and Distribution with Ross Simmonds | What's Your Process?
If you prefer audio, it’s also up on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
The Spark
This is stuff I'm enjoying out in the world (it's probably not B2B).
“Long have I waited to gaze upon my ancestors.” I promised you LOTR didn’t I?
The Gates of Argonath from Fellowship of the Ring
Not sure if you know this but we cook a lot in my house and we love cookbooks. We have over 50 and they cover everything from different cultures to fine dining to comfort foods. In my opinion, food is the best way to get to know a culture and learn about their history. You get to identify weird things like how both tikka masala and vodka sauce are tomato cream sauces, and you get to convince your kids to try new things.
For me, cooking (like LEGOs) is another place where I get to shut off my thinking and just focus on the task at hand.
Any way, we recently moved our collection of cookbooks for quicker access and needed some book ends. My wife went on a quest: West Elm, Etsy, Pinterest, and who knows where else?
I did as well. Looks like we both won this round!
The Shamis Family Cookbooks
For those wondering, my favorite cookbooks are A Good Bake by Melissa Funk Weller (the Babka), Stir by Barbara Lynch (the Bolognese), and Dishoom (the breakfasts). If you have any favorite recipes send them over.
The Deep Thoughts
This is what I'm thinking about.
Repurposing content is a scary idea for a lot of Creatives. You have people like me who are out there beating the drum on differentiation and standing out in a crowded market which a lot of folks interpret as “I need to do something that’s never been done before.”
Well guess what… new is hard! That’s not to say don’t search for it but I’m betting you’re already sitting on a gold mine of content. Content that’s been created, vetted, and approved by your audience.
Check out this clip from the convo with Ross. Have you ever stopped to think about why there are so many Lion Kings? RIP Mufasa!
Why Old is Better than New | What's Your Process?
Today I wanted to cover how I approach repurposing as a one person operation. And before we jump in, shut down any concerns you may have about lacking in creativity, originality, or your audience thinking you’re out of ideas. You’re good. This is just smart!
What is content repurposing?
First a little house keeping, repurposing is the idea that you can take a single piece of content (usually long form like a blog post or podcast) and break it up into smaller, more digestible chunks that can be shared individually. The goal of those smaller chunks is to bring your audience back to that long form piece and hopefully take some sort of action (book a meeting, free trial, demo, etc.).
Why repurpose content?
To put it simply, it’s to speed things up. If you’re constantly in the lab putting together new ideas, new content, new designs, new videos, new audio, you’re gonna move really slow. You’re also going to be starting from scratch every time.
Repurposing allows you to take what’s good and reuse it. When figuring out if something is good or not, I recommend using Ross’ Four Es framework.
The Four Es
Before Ross repurposes anything he always asks himself:
Will it educate?
Will it engage?
Will it entertain?
Will it empower?
If the content doesn't do at least one of those things for his audience then he won't post it or repurpose it. As I get into my process below, I’ll have run each piece against this to ensure that I’m creating value for my audience.
How do I repurpose for The Creative Brand?
For me, I’m now on a consistent content creation schedule. The podcast drops on Wednesdays, the newsletter is in your inbox on Saturdays. I have to promote both of them and then I need to fill in the blanks in between, right?
Rough general content calendar for The Creative Brand
This calendar is a rough approximation of my week. The weekends are generally for the newsletter. Mid week is for the podcast. Monday and Thursdays are wild cards. This structure is great because I’m not scrambling for what to post most days.
By default that means I have clips for the Tuesday promo, and Wednesday launch that I can share on Linkedin, Youtube Shorts, Tiktok, and Instagram
With the newsletter on Saturday, I have a promo post on Fridays, the newsletter send itself on Saturday, then I’ll usually share ‘The Spark’ on social on Sunday as it’s more lighthearted (this is a perfect example of breaking content down into smaller reusable chunks).
In a pre-podcast world I would share different pieces of the newsletter throughout the week (or mix in previously created content like the slide deck from last week’s newsletter). The content calendar graphic above would be something I’d share—and still might!
The magic comes in thinking ahead
Knowing that I’ll be releasing a podcast episode on repurposing it gave me an opportunity to think about things more holistically. Instead of focusing on two separate ideas—one for the podcast, and one for newsletter—why not see if I can’t combine them to reuse existing material and maybe even dig in further on the topic.
This is where I had the idea of using the podcast as a lead in to discussing my own process for repurposing. You see, that’s not a topic I’d normally jump into in the newsletter but because I have the surround sound noise from Wednesday I can leverage it for Saturday too.
That leverage allowed me to plan for the whole week instead of just a few days. Here’s what that looked like.
Repurposing week content calendar (it's like Bake Off!)
You could see how I use the week to build awareness around the idea of repurposing and then repurposed content around that. I mixed in some random ideas to see if they’re worth pursuing and to mix things up ever so slightly. Repetition is key but I think its ok to try something different for a second then come back.
I’m gonna break it down day-by-day to help make a bit more sense of it:
Sunday (LI) - just a random Dad life post. It took as much time as it did to snap the selfie and type the content.
Monday (LI, YTS, IG, TT) - I shared a general repurposing clip from the podcast across all video channels in the morning to tease the audience then shared a repurposed section of the previous newsletter as a post on Linkedin.
Tuesday (LI, YTS, IG, TT) - I shared another general repurposing clip from the podcast to repeat the message then a random post based on a prospect call I had earlier in the day. Same channels as Monday.
Wednesday (LI, YTS, YT, SPOT, AP, IG, TT, WWW) - this is a big day as it’s a full episode launch. I posted the full clip on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts then shared a more personality driven clip on social to show people that the show is also fun. Outside of social I’m updating the podcast homepage and individual landing page to build some SEO.
Thursday (LI, YTS, IG, TT) - time to reinforce the message with a more tactical/educational clip (The Four Es) across video then I had a little bit of fun with my audience in the afternoon.
Friday (LI, IG) - I know we all love video but video fatigue is a thing too so I’m mixing up the content here and using a graphic I created for the newsletter to illustrate how I’m thinking about different channels. Since it’s not a video I’ll only be posting on Linkedin and Instagram.
Saturday (INBOX, LI, YTS, IG, TT, WWW) - it’s newsletter send day. I’ll schedule the newsletter, post another clip from the podcast (it’ll be the one at the beginning of this send), and similar to the podcast I’ll update the newsletter homepage and individual landing page for SEO. As you may have guessed, this newsletter is also my de facto blog so it’s important to maintain the web presence.
So if we were to count this up. My one interview with Ross will have led to:
One long-form podcast video on Youtube
Two long-form audio posts on Spotify and Apple Podcasts (that if I was smart I’d break down further into audiograms)
22 social posts across Linkedin, Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube Shorts
Four video shorts
Four webpages
Three potential social graphics
One newsletter/blog post
That’s 37 assets from one interview and there could be more because each of those social clips could get a graphic, and I’m not posting these on Reddit or X. A big part of it is a bandwidth issue but you can see how powerful repurposing really becomes especially if you plan ahead.
And If you’re thinking to yourself, “Dmitry, that’s a lot of posts especially for one person!” you’d be right but because I can generally knock these out all together and schedule them ahead of time it actually ends up taking a lot less time than individual posts on different topics. You move so much faster because you’re not context switching (and I’m not even using AI for most of this).
Do I have to be strict with my repurposing?
There will be differing opinions here but I don’t think you do—although you should have some discipline. If you come up with something new that’s off schedule, have fun with it. I literally just posted this nonsense right before starting up this newsletter and it’s my highest performing post of the week. But I can do that because I’m not constantly trying to figure out what the next piece of content is. Similar to how I think about self-service and outsourcing the goal here is to free up space for those random ideas to pop up.
If you’re constantly chasing something then you’re not seeing what’s going on around you. If you have the ability to look up from time to time, you may just come up with something good that you can then repurpose.
The Pitch
This is what you should be thinking about.
I just booked my first in-person peaking gig for 2025. I can’t talk about it yet but it’ll be this summer in NYC. I’d like to do more of that. If you’re looking for a speaker to chop it up about Marketing, Brand, Creative, Ops, or Lord of the Rings—I’m your guy.
Reply here or grab some time on my calendar.
Happy Super Bowl Weekend everyone! I could care less who wins the game but I’m cheering for the commercials. A lot of you have one running and whether it’s your first or your 20th, it’s never not exciting. Looking forward to hearing about your favorites next week! If you enjoyed this newsletter please share it with a friend.
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PPS If you're interested in sponsoring The Brief Creative, please get in touch.
Some links in this post are referral or affiliate links which means if you click or purchase something through them I may get paid a small amount of money. 1. There are absolutely zero expectations of you to purchase anything, I'm just happy you're here and 2. I would never recommend something to you that I don't use myself.
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